Why not

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Why not

Postby Griffith » May 3rd, 2017, 12:48 pm

So I just renewed the domain name for another 2 years.
Apparently Surge is still hosting this thing like a champ (thanks Surge, Hi btw!).

I had a nostalgic post typed up and ready to submit, but got distracted and deleted it. Then I figured, 20 dollars for another 2 years? I just gave 20 dollars to a high school kid raising money for his football team without blinking. So yeah, I'll drag this out a bit longer. Perhaps one day our forces will be assembled once again.

This forum template is a great throwback. Maybe when the DAoC 20 year anniversary arrives in 2021, I'll spruce the place up a bit.
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Re: Why not

Postby surge » May 3rd, 2017, 12:56 pm

hihihi :))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

feel free to pass the buck after 2 years! I shall never forget!
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Re: Why not

Postby Griffith » May 13th, 2017, 8:48 am

omgwtf thought I had subscribed to this thread!~!

Good to know, because I thought maybe I was the only one. I shall never show weakness in that regard again.
Griffith - 50 Thane
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Re: Why not

Postby surge » May 23rd, 2017, 8:15 pm

Never forget indeed... especially the abandonment of ones homeland for greener pastures...
Rerox - 50 Skald • Hiho - 50 Hunter
Surgio - 50 Hero • Ninjaburger - 50 Shadowblade
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Re: Why not

Postby Laraogord » February 13th, 2018, 12:34 pm


I find myself crafting in Gna Faste again. Do I love the punishment?

My Son decided to play on Uthgard so I rolled a Healer. Two weeks later and some old school grinding, I find myself level 40 with 900 in Armorcrafting. Some things just die hard, REAL hard.

Vugg and I are also dabbling in Path of Exile where we also find Reyven Skyes on the D.C. Server.

Well, now on to Malmahus to finish my trek to 50 :)
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Re: Why not

Postby Griffith » April 2nd, 2018, 12:07 pm

Just seeing this now...swore I had notifications on.
It is quite easy to get back into I found when I dabbled on Uthgard back in the day. I gave up on that when Uthgard went down for their extended revamp.

How did you manage to stumble across Reyven?!

Hello! a few months late, but hello nonetheless.
Griffith - 50 Thane
Reece - 50 Mentalist
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