Random Screenshots

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Re: Random Screenshots

Postby Umblezi » April 2nd, 2013, 8:01 am

nothing to do with hibbies, but funny anyway

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Re: Random Screenshots

Postby Umblezi » April 2nd, 2013, 8:05 am

who could forget gnarli and his horrible internet :)
it's funny, I sometimes see names in wow that remind me of 'gnarlston perfworthy' for some reason

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Re: Random Screenshots

Postby surge » April 2nd, 2013, 8:08 am

freakin rofl, so jealous of your screenshot stash, all my old ones are gooooone :(
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Re: Random Screenshots

Postby Griffith » April 2nd, 2013, 8:12 am

Lol awesome.
Just the wording in the logs amuses me. "you examine prs."

Love the BG screens! good times. Little did we know, Slaw would become more famouser than anyone else in Iseult/Enclave after some Emain trolling. Many losses...but fun regardless. Though I do recall lots and lots of rage.
Literally loling at the random perversion you'd encounter with /bow and /bang, best emote combination ever.
I completely forgot about Gnarli's internet woes. Surge and I played WoW with him briefly a couple years back. I know he received my e-mail so I don't know why he hasn't stopped by yet. UNACCEPTABLE!
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Re: Random Screenshots

Postby Redwolf » April 2nd, 2013, 11:33 pm

Oh Wow, awesome... too funny.
Those were some good times.
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Re: Random Screenshots

Postby Umblezi » April 3rd, 2013, 1:05 am

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Re: Random Screenshots

Postby Umblezi » April 3rd, 2013, 1:06 am

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Re: Random Screenshots

Postby Griffith » April 3rd, 2013, 7:45 am

Man, that screenshot is OLD. From the Conquest names to the fact that "Blor" was still in the guild.
The zerker in the forge is classic. Though at first I was chuckling at your crafting attempts. What an exciting time.
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Re: Random Screenshots

Postby Umblezi » April 3rd, 2013, 8:17 am

lol yeh
and the awesome original icons for melee abilities, all exactly the same thing
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Re: Random Screenshots

Postby Griffith » April 3rd, 2013, 9:19 am

Umblezi wrote:lol yeh
and the awesome original icons for melee abilities, all exactly the same thing

I noticed that in some of the other screenshots and remarked to myself "why does he have the same ability in every slot, lulz noob".
But yes...then that fact occurred to me.

It was weird going back to DAoC a couple years ago and seeing all of the updated artwork. Too bad the new leaders of the game felt they had to try to shoehorn DAoC into a more modern MMO mold.
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